2.2 Employment and Economy
2.4.1 Industry & Enterprise
Piltown is advantageously located for employment sources with access to good infrastructure and proximity to Waterford Port, and the main Waterford-Limerick road.
Industrial developments are mainly concentrated to the south and east of Piltown. To the south of the town at Ardclone are O’ Shea Brothers and Iverk Produce, with O’ Shea Brothers concentrating on the supply and distribution of vegetables, mainly potatoes and carrots, and Iverk Produce are wholesale fruit and vegetable suppliers. Also located on the Ardclone Road is Piltown Concrete Products.
Kilkenny Spring Water owned by Glenpatrick Spring Waters is located along the Fiddown Road, along with Living Colours (cut plants wholesalers), Piltown Engineering, Foley Engineering, Falconer Hurls and Tom Tennyson Grass Machines. Located along the main street is Kennington Joinery.
The Council will ensure that sufficient land is zoned to allow for the provision of a suitable employment mix. Additional lands have not been zoned for industrial activity in this plan, as there is a greenfield site of approximately 3.5ha located adjacent to Kilkenny Spring Water that has not been developed. In addition the ‘Existing and General Development’ zoning in the village facilitates a mix of employment uses.
The Council will encourage the creation of community led employment opportunities, similar to the Enterprise Centre, which was built through the combined efforts of local community groups, semi-state and state agencies; and support employment initiatives in conjunction with agencies such as the County Enterprise Board and Barrow-Nore-Suir Leader Partnership,
The FAS Community Employment scheme operates in the Piltown and Fiddown areas in conjunction with the sponsorship of local organisations under the sponsorship of Ossary Parishes. The scheme currently employs 27 people and have been involved in projects and undertaken work with Piltown GAA, Fiddown Development Association, Keep Piltown Tidy and the Iverk Show.
- EE1 – To promote enterprise creation opportunities and initiatives, in line with the growth of Piltown and to encourage job/employment creation initiatives on appropriately zoned and serviced land.
- EE2 – To support the continuation of the FÁS Community Employment Scheme or other equivalent/replacement scheme.
2.4.2 Retail
Anthony’s Inn is the only public house establishment in the town and occupies a prominent position at the junction of the main street with the Banagher Road.
Piltown’s commercial premises are spread along the length of Main street, and include the retail premises of Centra (with an ATM machine in store), Chip-shop, Mulligan’s Pharmacy, Munday’s Costcutter mini-market, and Nick Falvey & Sons Garage.
Elegance Hat Hire is located to the north of the town and Glanbia premises is located on Creamery Road. Services available in the town include the Post Office, Health Centre, Credit Union and Anthony’s Inn along the main street and ‘Pixie Park’ Creche in Banagher Court.
The current low level of national economic activity is reflected in a number of vacant commercial units throughout the town, with two shops units and an office at the entrance to Banagher Court, the garage opposite the Garda Station and the industrial building opposige Glanbia.
The Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities sets out Government policy in relation to shops in small towns and rural areas (Department of the Environment Heritage and Lcoal Government, 2005).
This plan supports the location of new commercial developments in the town centre.
Out of centre retail developments will not be allowed if their provision is likely to affect the diversity of shops or lead to the loss of general food retailing from the centre of smaller towns. Out of centre locations are clearly separate from a town centre but within the urban area.
- EE3 – To promote enterprise creation opportunities and initiatives, in line with the growth of Piltown and to encourage job/employment creation initiatives on appropriately zoned and serviced land.
- EE4 – To support the continuation of the FAS Community Employment Scheme or other equivalent/replacement scheme.
- EE5 – To facilitate the expansion of the retail base to serve the needs of the current and future population, in accordance with the policies as laid out by the County Development Plan and the Retail Planning Guidelines 2005.
Kildalton College, located to the east of Piltown, is the largest agricultural college in the country; the college has 500 students registered and provides an important source of economic activity in the area.
An additional source of revenue to the area comes in the form of the annual rural Iverk Show – The Barony Meeting, hosting competitions, displays and commercial activities, which is located at the Iverk Show Grounds to the north of the village.
2.4.3 Tourism
Piltown’s location in the Suir river valley endows it with much potential for the development of tourism. There are a number of feature structures in the town, including Anthony’s Inn, Bessborough House – now Kildalton College, Piltown Tower and the two Churches. This tourist potential could be harnessed by exploiting the River Suir and Pil Rivers’ amenity value. Ancillary services for tourists would include the development of a café or craft shop, which could be located on the Creamery site. The development of a river walk is discussed further under Section 2.7.6 of this plan.
Agencies that may be of assistance in relation to enterprise and tourism include Barrow-Nore-Suir Rural Development and Kilkenny County Enterprise Board.
Barrow-Nore-Suir Rural Development group encompass the LEADER + and National Rural Development Programme (NRDP); under these programmes grant-aid is available to small enterprises, individuals with a business project and to community groups with either a business or a community beneficial project, if they meet the programmes rural development criteria. Both programmes provide part-funding so applicants are expected to fund a percentage of any project themselves.
Kilkenny County Enterprise Board provide information and advice in relation to starting your own business and advice on how to manage and grow your own business.
The problem of dereliction is discussed under Section 2.7 Amenity Enhancement.
EE6 – It is the policy of the Council to facilitate and support the development of Piltown to encourage uses that are beneficial to the local community and development of tourism in the area.
Questions to consider for Employment and Economy
Do you agree with this approach, if so, why?
Do you disagree with this approach, if so, why?
What would you like to change?
Are there any other issues that you feel should be considered?
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